Monday, September 30, 2013

My name is Melissa.

Why did I decide to learn Japanese?

I've always been interested in Japanese culture. I used to watch a lot of Japanese anime as a kid. I also have a few Japanese friends. When I was in the military, I was stationed in Japan for two years. Unfortunately, I worked most of the time so I didn't get to see much of the country and I didn't get much time to interact with anyone outside base.

I'm mostly excited about being able to understand what my Japanese friends are saying. Now they can't hide anything from me. The main reason is that I plan on going back to Japan and possibly living there for a few years. There are a lot of things I didn't get to do and a lot of places I didn't get to see. I hope that when I get more fluent in the language, I can better understand the culture and be able to interact with the Japanese natives.

I also love Japanese fooooood!

Well, that's all for now.
わたしは メリッサ です。
ニューヨーク からきました。
しゅっしんはフィリピン です。

げつようび から もくようびまで ごごはちじまで おきます。
にほんごのクラスは ごごよじじゅっぷんから ごごごじじゅうごふんまでです。
まいばん ごぜん さんじに ねます。

すし は だいすき です!!
